English teacher / homeroom teacher

Odświeżone: Środa, 18 Wrzesień, 2024  10:31

Szczegóły ogłoszenia

  • Kategoria: Dam pracę / Edukacja
  • Forma pracy:Pełny etat
  • Umowa:Umowa o pracę
  • Dodatkowe:Brak wymagań
  • Pracodawca: High Five Academy

Opis oferty pracy

Our bilingual preschool is currently looking for an English speaking person who will take the role of English teacher/homeroom teacher for the group of 3-4 years.

Job description:
• Conducting preschool classes in English according to the core curriculum,
• Taking care of a group of 12-18 children with the leading teacher and a native speaker,
• Observation of pupils and documenting it according to the rules established in the kindergarten,
• Carrying out the statutory tasks and the educational offer of the institution at a high level,
• Collaboration with parents.

• is able to enjoy working with children that gives him/her satisfaction,
• Education in the field of teaching English in a kindergarten,
• Preferred education in the area of preschool,
• High didactic and interpersonal competences,
• Commitment, reliability and creativity,
• Ability to work in a team,
• Ability to build good relationships with children and parents,
• Good manners/ high personal culture.

We offer:
• Work in a modern bilingual educational institution,
• good financial conditions and general working conditions (employment contract),
• benefit cards,
• Nice friendly atmosphere focused on employee development,
• Methodological and didactic support,
• A stable form of employment,
• Supervision care.

Join us, we are waiting for you. Please send us you CV! Join to our High Five team!

Job Types: part-time, full-time
Schedule: Monday to Friday
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Data dodania
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Średni czas odpowiedzi
Powiadom o podobnych ogłoszeniach
Lokalizacja: Kraków w promieniu 25 km
Kategoria: Praca » Dam pracę » Edukacja

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High Five Academy
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Na Lento.pl od 16 wrz 2013
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